Sunday, November 8, 2009


This year for Halloween Cincy wanted to be Hannah Montanna! I thought she would change her mind when we went to the Halloween store and saw all the princess costumes but all she had to say was where is a microphone to go with my outfit!!! gotta love her :)
Brooklyn unable to talk got to be a Cincinnati Bengals cheerleader :) they both looked so dang cute and we had a great time! of course sad we didnt get to go up North and spend the Holliday with grandma and grandpa (we didnt wanna get Whitneys swine flu)!
and sad to say I did not dress up Hell must have froze over because I never thought the day would come :) next year look out because the whole fam is gonna be dressed up AWSOME!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

FUN at the POOL

Helllllo SEXY!

The gang at the pool!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Let Freedom RING!

We LOVE the 4th of July in our family! we love to remember and celebrate that we are a free country. this year we got to go up North to Utah county we went to the parade (well part) then of course to the park and then to the Stadium of Fire :) yes we saw the Jonas Brothers and they were great! we had a blast!

Moms family reunion!

I am so glad we got to go to my moms family reunion :) I love her family!

It rained a ton but we still managed to have fun!

ONE reason the American people are FAT!

The other day we were at the store I was waiting in the car with the kids (who were asleep) while Aaron ran in to get something.
As I sat there for 30 minutes (way to be fast Aar) I watched several people go in and out. I was amazed that out of about 8 people I saw come out of the store with there shopping carts only 1 took the cart to the cart return that one person happened to be a very pregnant lady :) go figure! the other seven were mostly men haha one guy unloaded his groceries and then moved his cart to the other side of the car next to him which after about 30 seconds ended up rolling and hitting the car in front of them, one guy walked the cart about 3 spots over and then left it (keep in mind the cart return was about 4 spots away).
Ok so you get the point.... my point is why are people so lazy??? and rude I guess now we know where all of those mystery dents and scratches came from on our cars!
Please dont be lazy do yourself a favor and take the cart back to the cart return or better yet back into the store :)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My girls FAVORITE thing.... SHAVED ICE!

Can you guess what flavor they had??

Monday, June 1, 2009

I LOVE my slippers

Prepare yourself!

the other day I walked out of Cincys playroom and as I stepped onto the tile something made a crunching noise??? welll I looked down and to my surprise it was this.... a scorpion after I about died I said oh I love my slippers because if I had barefeet I would have DIED for sure!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Who ever taught my daughter the word WHY is going to be beat!!!

Cincy come here... WHY because I said so WHY...
mom is this my sock no its my sock WHY because it is my size not your size WHY because your feet are smaller then mine WHY because you are younger then me WHY because you were born after me WHY because ( ok I will save you the rest but it all started in Heaven)
Cincy lets get in the bath WHY because thats what we do WHY because we get dirty WHY????

OK so this is just a few examples and now I am sure you can see why I am saying who ever taught my daughter the word WHY is going to be beat!!!
if you or anyone you know knows who taught her this please let me know so I can give them there punishment. LOL

Monday, March 30, 2009

My Baby girls blessing!

ok, so this is a little late but I couldn't get myself to post about it until now.... I was soooo happy ALL of my family came down for the weekend of Brooklyns blessing and we had so much fun!!! (I sure miss them) well then came Sunday the day was great the blessing was awsome and then.... we were gettin ready for the lunch and some of my fam went to the store to get some ice cream (haha I know Sunday) and then disaster struck.... Michael my fav little brother LOL was loading the groceries into my moms car and the old lady behind them pushed on the gas and bamm crashed right into him pinning him between her car and my moms so off to the ER he went with his great wife Kajsia and my mom and dad. They called us to tell us what happened and me and my sis's went to the hosp so that's that I was soooo sad and then they all left soooo what was such a great time ended on such an awful note :( well anyway here are some pics my fav one just happens to be Michael holding Brooklyn (how ironic)

p.s. I am still very happy they came I just felt so awful Michael got hurt!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Believe it or not Brooklyn is almost 3 months old. Wow how time flys when you are having fun!

All by myself!

The other night I told Cincy to go get her shoes on so we could go to Target, a few minutes later she came out of her room looking like this! :) I told her she did a great job but lets change just a few things... first get real shoes and ones that match and then they might feel a little better on the right feet! gotta love her

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Baby Brooklyn

so peaceful

Silly girl

I guess Cincy was wanting to be the baby... here she is in Brooklyns port a crib and with Brooklyns binki :)


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I have been blessed

On December 13th I was blessed with a beautiful baby girl here is the first pic and of course there will be many more to come! she weighed 6 lbs 12 ounces and was 19 inches long, we named her Brooklyn and we are so very happy to have her and I am so very thankful that I have been blessed with another baby girl :)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Breakfast with Santa

I promised Cincy I would take her to have breakfast with Santa at the city center (little did I know I would be in labor) well I kept my promise anyway and here she is at breakfast with Santa.... she loved it, it took me and Aaron a REALLY
long time to get her to leave but that is ok it made her happy so it made us happy!